Creating a belief system that can’t be broken starts and ends with the words that we pour into our children. Words are seeds. Once planted, in the ears and heart of the hearer, they produce a harvest that we have to live with. As parents, grandparents, caregivers, and voices of influence, we have to be sure that we are planting the right word/seeds, that will go down, take root, and produce the fruit. We want our words to impact our children’s lives in a positive way. It is important that we give them the right words and belief system to allow them to impact the world. Validating and affirming our children, daily, is key.
The book, I CAN DO IT MYSELF, depicts how Noah was given such positive and powerful affirmations that ultimately contributed to him truly believing that even at a young age, he is Smart, he is Brave, and he can do Anything in the name of Jesus. Noah’s belief system gave him extraordinary confidence and a need for independence that his GG had to learn to embrace. This beautifully-illustrated children’s book highlights the power of words and fostering the right belief system, in our children, from birth.