Don’t Forget Who God Is!

There are times in life that we may feel distant and disconnected from God. When we forget who God is, we often feel isolated and alone. We don’t allow space for God’s infinite love to dwell within us because we don’t know how. In 2018, I hit a brick wall spiritually and had no idea how to move forward. When I reached out to my support system, I was often met with the typical advice, “pray about it.” Sounds simple right? Except, I didn’t know how to express myself in prayer to help me through this difficult time. One day, I just started writing my prayers and found my heart flowing out, to God, on paper. As I worked my way out of my spiritual low, it dawned on me; the entire time that I was going through my hardship and transition, I had forgotten who God is! Through my prayer journey, I remembered the beauty of what it felt like to walk in God’s purpose for my life. I had forgotten how it felt to truly experience the fullness of my relationship with God. This journey renewed my peace, humility, and the desire to please Him and lead to me writing this devotional. I created this 52-week devotional to remind you to: Never Forget Who God Is. As you journey through this weekly devotional, really dive in! Allow yourself to let God work in you to change your life. My hope is that this devotional strengthens your relationship and connection with God and opens you to who He can be in your life, if you let Him.

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