Tender Loving Care

Tiffany Crawley has compiled together advice within Tender Loving Care, A Marriage Guide for Kingdom Living. This book was created with wisdom and insight received directly from God to share with His children to provide an aid to turn ordinary marriage into extraordinary kingdom marriages to give God glory! This powerful marriage manual will draw couples, both married and committed, as well as all readers all over the world, closer to Him. Tiffany understands that marriage is a ministry, which one needs to study and learn from Godly resources to grow and develop. She hopes that each reader will utilize this book as a thought-provoking template to create open-discussion towards growing and refining towards achieving a healthy and Godly marriage. Bound with mini-journal entries, couples’ questions, motivational bible scriptures, and insights into the type of love you and your partner should desire. Move slowly with love and intention as you navigate the chapters together. Use this book as you discover how to put Christ first in your marriage and life and watch the blessings flow.

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